"Gold Silver for Life has helped investors just like you produced great returns. The results are fully documented and verified, and the fact that investors have a 92% success rate with average monthly returns of 1% – 2.2% (not including the capital appreciation of Gold & Silver) is pretty impressive don't you think?"
The global elites are setting up for a one world currency. They want all of the fiat power and all of the control to rule our lives on a daily basis. David Morgan compares two competing alternative currencies, Bitcoin and the SDR. Which one would win? - Source, The Morgan Report
There is a Disinformation War taking place in the silver market as certain industry analysis is confusing individuals by purposely disregarding the tremendous impact of rising investment demand. Not only do I find this troubling, but I am also quite surprised how much the silver industry pays attention to this faulty analysis. So, it’s time once again to set the record straight.