We Are Going to See Huge Pushes in Gold and Silver
There's a lot of things happening this month, as we'll talk about later. The August low is habitually seasonality-wise very accurate for gold. You usually get the lowest price in gold in August. We're doing this in the 1st of September, and September is usually a rebound month, but the seasonalities haven't worked very well in the metals markets for quite some time, so I don't put as much credence in them as I used to. However, in the end of the year, you've got a rise in the metals, and we haven't seen that in a while either. I'm just going to let the market dictate, but here's what I'll say. The main support on the silver price is around the $17.50 to 17.60 level, so we might see another drop, and I really think that that level, another dollar down, is about as far as these guys are going to be able to push it down.
On the gold side, it's holding above $1,300 which has fairly good support. Not really strong support, because time-wise, it hasn't been above that level for a long time during this rally of the last six months. So I believe we're going to see a huge effort to push gold below the $1,300 level, and we have to just see how it reacts, if it rebounds quickly or not. And of course, more important than that, pretty much at the volume that takes place. In other words, if that causes a large selloff and the algorithms start to move with the shorts and the longs decide to throw in the towel and starts a waterfall decline, then of course, I'll do an update for The Morgan Report members, show that to them. Right now, it's too hard to call that. I don't see that. In fact, my suspicion is that that's not going to happen. In other words, they'll push it down below $1,300, but it will pop back up fairly quickly. So it's very interesting to watch the metals this year.