Friday, May 5, 2017

Better Times Ahead for Silver and Gold

Though he had a packed schedule, both speaking and participating in a precious metals panel, Morgan was able to stop by to speak with Resource Investing News about a variety of topics, including his expectations for silver and gold prices, silver supply and demand dynamics and, of course, manipulation.

Speaking about prices, Morgan said that he's optimistic. "I think that we've hit the bottom. I think the intraday low in November, $14.15, will be it. And I think that it will be a better year, but not an extremely good year, for both the metals, gold and silver," he said. He sees a couple of major catalysts driving that outlook, including the ongoing currency crisis and industrial demand for silver.

In closing, Morgan offered the following advice for investors concerned about entering the market due to manipulation. "Take the big picture and know why you own the metals fundamentally. Don't worry too much about manipulation. Certainly it can affect the price, certainly it has a cause-and-effect relationship. But all manipulated markets end in failure and this one will as well."