Monday, July 17, 2017

Control What You Can, Prepare for the Worst

Number one is take care of your personal self and your family, I mean, you want to be healthy, wealthy, and wise to coin Ben Franklin. So, really change what you can, make sure that you're eating right, make sure that you're exercising, make sure that your health is number one. When I sign off the Morgan Report, from day one, I always sign it off “wishing you health above wealth.” There is a reason for that. Wisdom beyond knowledge. Having the knowledge of something doesn't mean much unless you implement it. Being wise is meaning you know how the world works and working with it and that's working with the truth. So that's the bottom line, I think control what you can.

Moving up from there, what can you do. Well I'm more or less a pacifist, so I think for example, what Ted Butler did over all these years, to give a shout out to Ted, I mean he was instrumental and spearheaded this whole idea of what was going on in the CFTC and it's been pretty thankless for him for a long time, yet he has maintained his position and asked people to help him write to the CFTC and investigate the manipulation of the silver market, and for years nothing really happened. But this little guy that is being held up as someone spoofing the market and then building a case against him, is probably due to some of the efforts that Ted did, in fact most recently.

So, you can make your voice heard, you certainly don't want to give up. Congress does respond to the populous, it really, really does. So a phone call is much better than an email, and a written correspondence carries a lot more weight than an email and it doesn't have to be a lengthy manifesto, it can just be simply, “I support freedom and you aren't,” or something even better from my politically, perhaps questionable point of view, but it's spot-on legally, is “you took an oath to defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic and I'm starting to question whether or not you are upholding that oath, write me back.” Something along those lines will wake them up, whether or not you'll get a response I doubt it, there's probably a computer form letter that has anything with the word Constitution in it that will probably pop out a form letter and send it back to you.

But regardless of that, you certainly can make it. And I'm for peaceful protest, the problem we have now is this "anarchy" with what's going on from a certain political belief system, where burning things up and bashing windows, that doesn't solve anything and it's deconstructive, not constructive. Yet, there seems to be an element that actually relishes making that kind of a statement, which is very sad indeed, and it falls back on us as a society on what's really being taught to the population at large and what are the moral values and what does make us great. What makes us great is we have high integrity, we were telling the truth. That's what made America great, it wasn't the financial system. If the financial system was honest, that helps a great deal. But as I've said many times, but probably bear repeating one more time Mike, as I close out, is there is a direct correlation between the integrity of the money system and the moral integrity of the population at large. The more the monetary system deteriorates, the more the moral society deteriorates with the population. They go hand in hand and we are witnessing that as we speak.

- Source, David Morgan