Sunday, June 24, 2018

David Morgan: Waterfall Stock Decline Ahead

David Morgan says the U.S. stock market is in a downtrend. A waterfall decline is possible. Gold and silver are still in consolidation. 

However, the gold/silver ratio is coming down. And both metals continue to make higher lows. Morgan expects a move to the upside. Is silver in a deficit? This depends on your definition of "deficit." 

The truth is, the above ground inventory of silver is growing. Morgan predicts people will move into precious metals when the financial system starts to collapse. However, many believe gold and silver are obsolete. 

Morgan disagrees, but acknowledges he could be wrong. For that reason he's not putting all his eggs in one basket. Studies show that the optimal amount of precious metals in one's portfolio is 20 to 25 percent.

- Source, David Morgan